Acomara Aconcagua Expedition

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With a legacy of successful climbing, Acomara Aconcagua Expedition is known for its high-end adventure tour design. Mt Aconcagua is the highest point across the Western Hemisphere, and is renowned for its highest summit excursion point. Come and join us! We are the renowned mountain expedition tour operator to assist your quench for elevated expeditions, climb, trek and wilderness voyage across Mendoza. For most of the adventure seekers,  Aconcagua Hike or climb, is for sport, a perfect set-up to experience valuable memories.

Join our team of expert and experienced climbers and explore the safest way and comfortable journey to bolster your Aconcagua climbing dream. We have the best team for your Aconcagua quest- Collaborate with us and plan your next adventure to Mt Aconcagua in a safest and reliable way.    


Mendoza, Argentina and Mt Aconcagua


Find out more about our curated Climbing tours


Normal Route, Aconcagua

The Normal Route is always considered to be the simplest path, and mostly designed to denote a less adventure, safe and minimal hard work. The Normal Route is also termed as the Northwest Route is more of a non-technical path that has got three designed altitude camps for a comfortable trek and they are called “Plaza Canadá”, “Nido de Cóndores” and “Berlín” or “Cólera”. The perfect set up for climbers to realize the actual adventure of the mountain and the necessary skills to prepare for the best adventure trek. 


Polish Glacier Route, Aconcagua

Considered as the most dangerous undertaking oath, the Polish Glacier Route of Aconcagua was first discovered in the year 1935 by a team of Polish mountaineers. It is undoubtedly the most dangerous route and needs technical acclimatization. Surely, the climber must have optimum knowledge of climbing and with this route, we offer  distinctive bewitching landscapes of Andes, along with strenuous climb. Apart from Polish Glacier, there are other renowned routes and they are Polish Glacier Traverse Route (or False Polish Route), Guanacos Route and Polish Glacier Route (Original or Direct variants) to enjoy the thrill of a lifetime.

For more details 


Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Phone: (+54–9–261) 618–1000 (outside Argentina) (0261) 15618–1000 (inside Argentina)
