How Can You Teach My Child to Share?

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Sharing is particularly tricky for a preschooler. Children usually understand the concept of sharing at about age three. It will take your child a little longer to be prepared for it. As your child starts developing empathy and starts understanding that he should be taking turns, you could tell him by teaching the sharing concept. The child isn't mature enough to resist all the "selfish" impulses. Many small kids put their needs first and get upset when other needs come in the way. 

Your child may not understand that if he doesn't have a toy now, he may get it later. So, don't be surprised when your child grabs a toy from his friend and refuses to give them back. If you're wondering how you could sow the seeds of generosity in your child, here are some of the tips by one of the best schools in Greater Noida West

Make it fun 

You can teach your child cooperative games in which he will be working with others. Instead of playing a competitive game that focuses on winning, kids could play a team game. They could play a jigsaw puzzle together, where they may take turns to add pieces. They could even share projects such as watering the plants, sweeping the floor, or unpacking the shopping together.  

Punishing your child for not sharing will create negative consequences 

We know that it is embarrassing to see your child snatching a toy from his friend or throwing a tantrum in the middle of the mall. But at that moment, if you tell your child that he's being selfish or force him to hand over a prized possession, he may get that message that sharing has negative consequences. If the children become embarrassed or ashamed, they will become defensive, making learning new skills more difficult. Allow your child some leeway and support that he’s possibly not being consciously rude by refusing to share.

Talk it out 

If your child is fighting or clashing with a friend about a toy, try not to intervene before things become too heated. You can even remove your child from a full-blown tantrum situation until things have calmed out. When you see that both the children are ready to listen, then explain the situation thoughtfully and compassionately.  

The nursery school in Greater Noida recommends that you help your preschooler put his emotions into words. You can provide them with the vocabulary, for example, by saying, "It sounds like you feel cross." This effort will reassure your child that you understand what they might be feeling.  

Teach your child to problem-solve 

You could even set a timer to mark each child's turn to share. You can explain to him that sharing isn't the same way as giving away and point out that if he shares his toy with his friends, they will be more inclined to share theirs with him.  

The nursery admission 2021 has now begun in Cambridge School Greater Noida West.
